Friday, February 5, 2010

a whiter shade of pale

I am setting aside today as a day for relaxation and recovery. Well, it's more a preemptive measure to prevent getting sick than recovery.
I felt crappy all yesterday, I was exhausted all day and felt kinda grumpy. When I stopped to buy milk the guy selling it to me asked if I was alright, I thought it was strange that he'd ask but when I got home I looked in the mirror and I was really pale.
I cooked my self a delicious dinner of sliced apple with peanut butter (so good!) and a salami sandwich (maybe I needed protein, this whole vegetarian thing is challenging) and went to bed early. I woke up at 10 this morning still feeling tired, but a little less wretched then I did yesterday. Anyhow, today I am going to relax, sleep, and try not to get sick.
Thats the plan anyhow.
Just for fun:
Sunset, from my window
 I am disappointed in how bad the colors came out, there were a lot more reds and pinks


  1. OH NO! Don't get sick. Its no fun at all. I've been sick for seven days and now i have to take thirty antibiotics (okay, one antibiotic, but there's thirty pills!) for ten days! Ridiculous. Anyhow, your picture looks pretty. Um and vegetarian? Really?

  2. yeah, vegetarian. Meat is very expensive and there is only so much liverwurst out of a tube I can stomach.
    It sounds like you've got something nasty, feel better soon!
